“When I Did Cry Unto Thee in My Prayer and Thou Didst Hear Me”

Bryan Richards

One of the most fundamental hurdles for an investigator is to believe that God hears and answers prayers. Some have prayed for years without realizing the power of personal revelation. In fact, every answered prayer is a little miracle because the power of God has been exercised on behalf of one of his children. Alma uses the example of Zenos to show that God will answer prayers offered in the most humble of circumstances, whether in the wilderness, field, house, closet, or congregation. We have many examples, personal and scriptural, of that same universal truth. That the Lord will answer prayers offered from any location is demonstrated in the sublime revelations given to the prophet Joseph Smith amidst the worst of conditions in Liberty Jail (DC 121-123).

Elder William J. Critchlow

“These souls can dial God in anytime, anyplace, in any circumstances by merely saying, ’Our Father who art in heaven.’ And there will never be a busy line, never any interference, never a line out of order. God always hears and answers the prayers of the faithful.” (Conference Report, Apr. 1964, p. 31)

John Taylor

“Through some remarks already made I am reminded of my boyhood. At that early period of my life I learned to approach God. Many a time I have gone into the fields and concealing myself behind some bush, would bow before the Lord and call upon him to guide and direct me. And he heard my prayer. At times I would get other boys to accompany me. It would not hurt you, boys and girls, to call upon the Lord in your secret places, as I did. That was the spirit which I had when a little boy. And God has led me from one thing to another.” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 22, p. 315)

Harold B. Lee

"While I was attending a stake conference, I was to interview some of the prospective missionaries. Before one boy came to see me, the stake president said, ’Now here is a boy that has just come through a serious experience. He is just out of the service. He suffered shell- shock in battle, and I think we need to talk pretty carefully to him and make certain that he is prepared to go.’
"So as I talked with the young man, I said, ’Why do you want to go on this mission, son? Are you sure that you really want to go, after all the harrowing experiences you have had?’
"He sat thoughtfully for a few moments and then said, ’Brother Lee, I had never been away from home when I went into the service, and when I got out into the camps, every waking hour I heard filthy, profane language. I found myself losing a certain pure-mindedness, and I sought God in prayer to give me the strength not to fall into that terrible habit. God heard my prayer and gave me strength. Then we went through the basic training, and I asked Him to give me physical strength to continue, and He did. He heard my prayer. As we moved up toward the fighting lines and I could hear the booming of the guns and the crackling of the rifles, I was afraid. Again I prayed to God to give me the courage to do the task that I was there to do and He heard my prayer and gave me courage.

“’When I was sent up with an advance patrol to search out the enemies and to send back for the reinforcements, telling them where to attack—and sometimes the enemy would almost hedge me around until I was cut off, and it seemed that there was no escape—I thought that surely my life would be taken. I asked for the only force of power to guide me safely back, and God heard me. Time and again through the most harrowing experiences He led me back. Now,’ he said, ’I am back home. I have recovered, and I would like to give thanks to that power to which I prayed—God, our Heavenly Father.’” (Ye Are the Light of the World, chap. 13)

Gordon B. Hinckley

“Brethren and sisters, I know that you are a praying people. That is a wonderful thing in this day and time when the practice of prayer has slipped from many lives. To call upon the Lord for wisdom beyond our own, for strength to do what we ought to do, for comfort and consolation, and for the expression of gratitude is a significant and wonderful thing.” (“The Fabric of Faith and Testimony,” Ensign, November 1995, p. 89.)
“Be prayerful. You can’t do it alone. You know that. You cannot make it alone and do your best. You need the help of the Lord … and the marvelous thing is that you have the opportunity to pray, with the expectation that your prayers will be heard and answered… . The marvelous thing about prayer is that it is personal, it’s individual, it’s something that no one else gets into, in terms of your speaking with your Father in Heaven in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Be prayerful. Ask the Lord to forgive your sins. As the Lord for help. Ask the Lord to bless you. Ask the Lord to help you realize your righteous ambitions… . Ask the Lord for all of the important things that mean so much to you in your lives. He stands ready to help. Don’t ever forget it.” (Colorado Springs Young Adult Meeting, April 14, 1996 as taken from The Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley

